Top 11 Songs On My January Playlist

Hey guys!

Okay so I did one of these posts a while back and got a ton of feedback, so I thought I’d do another one. Basically with “playlist posts”, you post your top 3 favorite Christian songs in the comments section. I’ve started listening to several new people because of this. So, that being said, here we go. 🙂

1. God’s Great Dance Floor- Chris Tomlin

If you haven’t heard this song, watch it on Youtube now. After the 4:30 mark is the best.

I know its a seven minute video but you have to watch the WHOLE thing. The end is AMAZING.

2. Awake My Soul- Chris Tomlin and Lecrae

From Ezekiel 37. Really good song.

3. We Are- Kari Jobe

Discovered her at church through my mentors. She is so gifted.

4. Smile- Kristian Stanfill

You can download this song through facebook. Comment if you want to know how. One of my older friends told me about it. 🙂

5. Waste Your Life- Lecrae

I like Lecrae. I think he’s really good. He is really inspirational. Check him out here.

This is the full performance of his from Passion 2013. Awake My Soul is the first song in the video, actually.

6. Speak to Me- Todd Fields

Was at the live recording of the new North Point album. This is my favorite song they did.

7. Lord Our God- Kristian Stanfill

Sadly, this song isn’t out yet, but you can watch the live performance from passion here. This was the third best song from Passion in my opinion.

8. Burning In My Soul- Brett Younker

Again, not out yet, But I found the live performance!

8. Shout- Chris Tomlin

9. We Glorify Your Name- Christy Nockels

10. Let It Shine- Kristian Stanfill

11. Once and For All- Chris Tomlin

Okay so almost all of these songs aren’t out yet. SO enjoy listening to them on Youtube. 🙂

SO as I said up top, comment telling me your top 3 favorite Christian songs.



Where I’ve Been The Past 3 Months :)

So haven’t ya’ll just missed all of my blog emails filling up your inbox? 🙂

These past few months have been SO crazy and I…

A) Haven’t been spending enough time in God’s Word to write a blog, and

B) Haven’t had enough time to write one even if I did have good ideas. So that being said…

School has been nuts. I was able to drop one of my most time-consuming classes and pick up a CRAZY easy course which is significantly lightening my load.

Church has been AWESOME! The past serveral months, since last summer actually, I have been praying about going to Guatemala with my worship team at church. Haven’t gotten a confirmed yes or no, but I know that whatever happens is God’s plan. My Sunday School class is going well, and I’m actually sharing my testimony this Sunday. (Check out my post “My Fear and Worry Story” for more details.)

So enough of me blabbing.

If you have any suggestions for new posts PLEASE comment telling me. I want to know what YOU need to hear.

Sorry for not being consistent with my posts. I hope to keep up a bit more now. 🙂


(Don’t forget to subscribe and COMMENT!!! :))

5 Ways To Get Involved In Serving Your Church

Hello everyone! 🙂
I got home from church Sunday and they were doing a “Serve Fair.” Basically, it shows people how they can serve in the church or on a mission trip.

This is my own list of ways to get involved. If you have any other ways you would like to add, please comment and tell us 🙂

1) Children’s Ministry.

-This is a great way to serve the parents who would like a chance to get away from their kiddo’s for a while and worship.

-You are also impacting the next generation while showing and acting out the love of God.

2) Greet People As They Come In.

-My parents have been greeting in our church for as long as I can remember.

-It is a great way to get to know people and build friendships in your church.

3) Use Your Personal Talents to Serve.

-I sing on the Praise Team for 1st-5th graders because I love leading others in worship.

-I also have the gift of leadership so I also serve in a 4th and 5th grade girls class.

4) Go On A Mission Trip.

-Now, I haven’t gone a mission trip YET but hopefully this summer Guatemala will be on my calendar, but going on a mission trip is an awesome way to serve.

5) Volunteer Wherever Needed

-You should be able to call your church and talk to somebody about filling a position as a volunteer. Usually they have a Volunteer or Serve Director that can tell you where there are opportunities to get involved. 🙂

Well that’s just a short list of ways to start serving in your church!

Comment and tell us where/how you serve in your church! I’d love to hear how you are making a difference.


7 Lessons Learned From 7th Heaven

Some of my friends have some interesting thoughts on this show-mostly negative.

I would just like to say why I like this show and what I’ve learned.

This show was made from 1996-2007, one of the longest running shows ever. Why do you think that is? Most shows that have long running times are successful. You need a lot of viewers for the show to run.

Let me give a little background for you to get a general idea of the show if you haven’t seen it.

There are 7 kid’s in the Camden family. Matt is the oldest, followed by Mary, Lucy, Simon, Ruthie, Samuel, and David. They are ALWAYS getting into trouble. But, they do learn valuable lessons.

Here are a few things I’m learning.


The older I get, the more I realize how smart my parents are. They know what they’re talking about when they tell you to stay away from dangerous and/or life changing things. They know what is best.

2. When you make mistakes, make things right.

Eric, being a minister, was counseling a woman who was a harlot, and she knew what she was doing. She went and apologized to Annie for trying to steal her husband. Meanwhile, a man from church was flirting with Annie, and he apologized to Eric for flirting with his wife.

3.  Treat others with respect.

Respect is respect. It is hard to show someone else respect when they haven’t shown you any.

Lucy was shopping with Ruthie in a record store when one of Simon’s buddies came up and slapped her backside and called her a very bad name. Then Annie walked up and he threatened her as well. He told her she didn’t show him any respect. Here’s my thoughts. It is kind of hard for her to shown him respect when he showed them none. Just an observation. 🙂

4. Love others, no matter the circumstances.

Mary got into some trouble during season 5, and so Eric and Annie sent her to New York to live with Eric’s parents. They knew they could straiten her out. Mary was mad at Eric and Annie, and honestly with the rest of the family, but they continually loved her. That eventually paid off when she came home.

5. Never give up on something that you have a passion for.

Matt decided to become a doctor. He had never really been responsible or had any goals until he started working at a hospital. He spent years in medical school, and he did become a doctor. He never gave up on it because he had a passion for helping others.

6. Be involved in smart relationships.

Mary dated Robbie Palmer in oh goodness, maybe 2 or 3 seasons, but they ended up being just friends. Matt, Mary, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie were all at one time involved in bad relationships. Matt with Cheryl, Mary with Robbie (even though I love him), Lucy with Jordan, Simon with Rose, and Ruthie with Martin. But they all learned lessons in those relationships.

7. Put your family first.

Eric and Annie always put their family before their social life. Matt always is willing to move back home if his family needs him. Point being, your family should come before your social life. 🙂

Well guys, this is my little review on 7th Heaven and what I’m learning. Please comment telling me any thoughts you have on the points I mentioned, and let me know your thoughts IF you have seen a lot of the episodes.

Thanks guys!


Hey Everybody!

Hey guys!

I feel so weird, I haven’t blogged in like almost 3 months!!!! SO much has happened! I started school and I started cheer up again. I’m captain this year! It’s a lot of responsibilty but I LOVE my girls so much!!! I get to do devotions and pray with the girls at games and practices.

My church activities have also started back up! Praise Team and serving in a 4th and 5th grade girls class!!!! Oh my goodness, I love it when school and fall rolls around. And my birthday is comming up, October 28th.

Well, I’ll be posting some new stuff up very shortly(:

Talk to you guys later!


Being A Light To Others In The Midst Of Darkness

Hey Guys!

Here’s what I want to encourage you with today.

There is at least 1 person in your life who is hurting. I want to just give you guys some things to think about.

1. How would you feel if you were in their position?

Well, you’re feeling hurt and rejected. How would you want others to treat you during this? You would probably love a big hug and to have someone tell you that you’re in their prayers. Am I right? Send them a message, text, or email, or even write them a card if you feel led.

2. What can you do to make a difference in their lives after this?

Well, you can just let them know you care. I’ve learned that sometimes you may not be able to help them in the way they need it, but at least they know they have a safe place to come to when they need someone to listen and pray for them.

3. Share the love of Jesus!

By showing you care, you are being a light to them. That is so important.

4. Put this into action!

Now, I have a challenge.

Go and find a notebook.  Write the people’s names down that you KNOW are hurting in some way. Make a committment to pray for them. They would really appreciate the fact that you’re praying for them. Also, pray and ask God to give you a scripture reference, lyric, etc. to encourage them. I’ve learned that daily texts of encouragement from friends are SO good to receive.

Please comment telling me any of your thoughts. I’d love to hear your system of encouraging others. 🙂


5 Things To Remember When Going To School! :)

Hey guys!

It’s so crazy! School is just around the corner!

Here are 5 things to remember when heading off to school:

1. You are there to learn, but also to share God’s love with others.

2. Let your actions and behavior reflect your relationship with God.

3. Look out for people who you can strengthen relationships with and make friendships with.

4. Say encouraging words to people OR/AND teachers you may not like.

5. Pray for your friends and teachers.

These are just 5 to keep in mind when going back to school. 🙂

What are you focusing on as you go back to school?

Love, Anna

First Steps For A New Christian

Hey guys!

So I thought this could be helpful for new believers as well as people who accepted Christ a long time ago.

1. Get A Bible

This is important because reading God’s word is one of the ways we can hear God. We also can get to know Him more by reading our Bible’s.

2. Pray! Pray! Pray!

This is also one way for us to hear God speak. This is our way of talking to the coolest person who EVER lived.

3. Have A Mentor!!!

I can’t force this enough! Mentors help you grow in your relationship with God, and can comfort and support you when troubles arise. Having a mentor is a necessity.

4. Read Devotionals

I can recommend some great one’s if you’d like, but these can really encourage you.

5. Share The Love With Others!

As I’ve said before, if you have accepted God, you can share His love with other people.

I hope these helped you. Let me know if you want me to post some of the devotions I like. 🙂

Love, Anna

On A Mission Trip….Here and Now

Today, I got to spend the day with the some girls in the Sunday school class I serve in on Sundays. I was so excited about the opportunity. It was a blast.

After going swimming, we broke up for lunch. One of the girls had recently returned from a mission trip and shared her experience.  She said something that absolutely blew my mind as well as the leaders’.  “We all kinda had high expectations, but we had to kinda let them go and be open to what God wanted.”

Okay, this girl is going into 6th grade! How many people do you know who have that kind of attitude when their plans were changed? It was very inspiring to me.

I felt led to share this with the girls after hearing this.

For a while now I’ve been wanting to go to Guatemala on a mission trip. But, God is saying to wait. I learned from what she said that I need to be open to what God wants. I also shared this. “If you aren’t feeling called to go on an overseas mission trip, that is okay. God has you exactly where He wants you. Every day that you wake up you’re on a mission trip. There are people that you know that are not Christians in your neighborhood, school, etc. Even if you go to a private school, there are people who still need Jesus. You have been given incredible opportunity to share the love of God with others right here, right now. So whether you are on an overseas mission trip or not, if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, you have the power to share with others about His love.”

I hope this inspires you. I’m so proud of my girls and how they are growing in Christ. It’s so inspiring to me. Also, be sure to thank your spiritual leaders for the impact they have on you. 🙂

Much Love,



Hello everyone!
Okay so you may or may not have heard of this, but it needs to be talked about.
There’s this thing called “The Redeemer Skit”, and some of my older friends from church actually perform it.
I saw this skit for the first time when I was in 4th grade, and I still get chills when I see it!
I’ll explain how the skit works. There are five parts to it.
I don’t know all the technical names for each part, but I have an overall idea.
God, Man, Greed, Flirt, and Party.
God is God. He made everything-including us.
Man is tempted to sin. The sins they show are the love of money over God, lust/flirt, and then addictions such as drinking, smoking, drugs, etc.
Towards the end it shows how God sent Jesus to take the blame for our sins, and then how Jesus and man can have a relationship. It’s amazing.

Now, the video that I have attached my friend took, and I’m coughing through part of it. hahaha.
Also, the lighting is a little funky, and they had some sound issues towards the end, so it’s pretty low-quality, but I adore the people doing the skit, so I decided to post their version. 🙂
Let me know your thoughts on Redeemer.